301 N Varner St Jordan, MN 55352 scbcmn@gmail.com 952-522-7222


Sunday Services: 9:15 AM-Sunday School. 10:30 AM-Worship Service.


  • Parking can be found on the street in front of the building or on any of the streets nearby.
  • Sunday School (7th grade-adults) is held in the upstairs classroom (far left).
  • The Worship Service is held in the sanctuary.
  • Children’s Sunday School (3yrs-6th grade), Children’s Church (2-6, provided during worship service sermon), and Nursery (0-2, currently self-serve) are held in the classrooms downstairs.
  • Coffee and snacks are available in the Fellowship Hall (downstairs, far right), please arrive early if you plan to get a drink or snack.


  • We are fairly diverse in our dress. Business casual is common on Sunday mornings, but you will also find suits and ties, dresses and high heels, T-shirts, jeans, and flip-flops.
  • All we ask is that you dress respectfully. We want those formally dressed as well as those casually dressed to feel at home.

The Worship Service

  • Our worship services are purposefully simple and structured to focus attention upon the greatness and goodness of the Triune God.
  • Anticipate thoughtful prayers, substantive congregational singing, reading of Scripture, and a well-prepared sermon that carefully unpacks the meaning of a passage or topic from the Bible and its application to our daily lives.
  • You are encouraged to bring your Bible. We most commonly use the ESV and HCSB versions. ESV Bibles are provided in the pews.
  • We have a lot to sing about and will do a fair amount of it. We purposefully emphasize the singing of the gathered church.
  • A nursery is available (0-2, currently self-serve), and children are dismissed for Children’s Church during the sermon (ages 2-6). We encourage the participation of older children in our Worship Service as a vital aspect of their spiritual growth.
  • The service will usually conclude by noon, but we are not enslaved to the clock. We are careful not to waste time, but our services are unhurried. The elements of a given service and the nature of the biblical text considered in the sermon are of first concern.

Tuesday Meal & Prayer Meeting: 6-7 PM – Food (BYO), Fellowship, & Prayer

  • This weekly gathering is structured for the church to actively build itself up in the faith in a relaxed, conversational manner and develop relationships within the church family through sharing about our lives and our prayer requests.
  • During prayer, the nursery is available. Children are encouraged to join the prayer time (quiet activities are provided).