Parking can be found on the street in front of the building or on any of the streets nearby.
Sunday School (7th grade-adults) is held in the upstairs classroom (far left).
The Worship Service is held in the sanctuary.
Children’s Sunday School (3yrs-6th grade), Children’s Church (2-6, provided during worship service sermon), and Nursery (0-2, currently self-serve) are held in the classrooms downstairs.
Coffee and snacks are available in the Fellowship Hall (downstairs, far right), please arrive early if you plan to get a drink or snack.
We are fairly diverse in our dress. Business casual is common on Sunday mornings, but you will also find suits and ties, dresses and high heels, T-shirts, jeans, and flip-flops.
All we ask is that you dress respectfully. We want those formally dressed as well as those casually dressed to feel at home.
The Worship Service
Our worship services are purposefully simple and structured to focus attention upon the greatness and goodness of the Triune God.
Anticipate thoughtful prayers, substantive congregational singing, reading of Scripture, and a well-prepared sermon that carefully unpacks the meaning of a passage or topic from the Bible and its application to our daily lives.
You are encouraged to bring your Bible. We most commonly use the ESV and HCSB versions. ESV Bibles are provided in the pews.
We have a lot to sing about and will do a fair amount of it. We purposefully emphasize the singing of the gathered church.
A nursery is available (0-2, currently self-serve), and children are dismissed for Children’s Church during the sermon (ages 2-6). We encourage the participation of older children in our Worship Service as a vital aspect of their spiritual growth.
The service will usually conclude by noon, but we are not enslaved to the clock. We are careful not to waste time, but our services are unhurried. The elements of a given service and the nature of the biblical text considered in the sermon are of first concern.
This weekly gathering is structured for the church to actively build itself up in the faith in a relaxed, conversational manner and develop relationships within the church family through sharing about our lives and our prayer requests.
During prayer, the nursery is available. Children are encouraged to join the prayer time (quiet activities are provided).
Sunday Services: 9:15 AM-Sunday School. 10:30 AM-Worship Service.
The Worship Service
Tuesday Meal & Prayer Meeting: 6-7 PM – Food (BYO), Fellowship, & Prayer
Service Times
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship Service
6:00 PM BYO Food & Prayer
Recent Sermons