As our series on the life of David comes to a close, we look at the legacy that David passed on to Solomon and the instructions that he gives his…
After David's sin with Bathsheba, we continue to see his family spiral downward into murder, deceit, adultery, treason, and many other atrocious sins. As we examine this dark time in…
The same man who is called a "man after God's own heart" is also the man who commits one of the most infamous sins in the Bible. From the well-known…
We are told that David was "a man after God's own heart," but what does this mean? What does God want most from us? In this passage, which is so…
As David finally receives the crown, we review the faith, patience, contentment, and preparation that David evidenced as he waited. Are we content with God's timing? Are we willing to…
In the age of FaceBook friends and social media followers, have we forgotten what friendship actually is? As we continue to follow David's legacy, we see what friendship was to…
After David's defeat of Goliath, he became a great warrior. What was God's purpose for this part of David's life, and what was David's motivation?
If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you are sure to be familiar with the story of David and Goliath. Too often, however, what we get…
The process of David transitioning from the pasture to the palace did not happen overnight. During this time, we see not only God preparing David but also David humbly surrendering…
After Saul's repeated rebellion against God, the Lord calls Samuel to anoint the next king. As Samuel follows the Lord's direction to this anointed one, we have much we can…